I take the TIME to capture fun, natural smiles and interactions in the outdoor environment of your centre. Although I have guided timeframes, I will not leave until I capture every child at their best, within their comfort zones. I like to build trust with each child by getting down on the ground with them and playing with blocks or seeing what sort of silly faces they can pull. I find when I do this, they open up to me and this is where I get those candid moments in camera. 

I will also attend your centre prior to photo day to have a clear vision of your centre, understand any special requirements, take a look at available props, choose areas with great light and play space to capture a variety of images of each child. 

Kindergarten is the one year where you can capture each child’s unique personality in such a fun, playful manner before they become big Preppies and have more formal school photos from here on in. 

EASY ONLINE ORDERING - Simple online ordering system! Families love that they can view and download their photos online and order a range of images and products. 

WHAT I CAPTURE - Individual Portraits and play photos, traditional class groups, siblings, staff and kooky photos. 


The Photography Process

FULLY BOOKED FOR 2024! Register your centre to expression your interest in receiving Kindy Kids portraits at your centre in 2025! We photograph from MARCH through to OCTOBER during school hours and school terms only. 

  • Approximately one month before your photo day, I will be in contact with you to provide information and flyers to provide to your families. Two weeks before your first session, I will set up a display in your foyer/s for families to view all my packages and examples of my work at their leisure, to help make the ordering process easier.

  • Families will receive a flyer with a QR code for them to register their child. This MUST be done by the due date (which is the week before the first photo day). This step is imperative, as I only take a variety of individual photos for registered children. If they haven’t registered, no photo is taken of the child (apart from being in the class group photo). If families do not wish for their child to be in the group class photo, they must indicate this to you and you are to inform me of this in writing.

  • Families are then to order their print packages and pay for these in full online, linked with PayPal. If they don’t have a PayPal account, that’s okay… they can continue as a guest and ‘Pay with a Card’. Orders need to be made by the same due date as the registration process, (best to do this straight after they register their child). Any orders placed after the due date, will incur late fees and must be paid to the photographer before any photos and/or digital photos can be released to the family. Same goes for any orders placed after photo day and I cannot guarantee that sufficient photos will be taken (ie: if a parent purchases a Kooky Kindy Kollage after photo day, chances are, there will be insufficient photos to be placed in the kollage). I will not re-attend the centre, due to parents placing late orders in this fashion.

  • Once I have all family orders, I will send you a spreadsheet for you to fill in personalised information for each child who will be receiving a Kooky Kollage. This will need to be returned to me by, no later than the last photo day.

  • Families have the option to meet with me before photo day, when I set up your foyer with all my pricing, information and photo display. Families will be able to ask me any questions or let me know anything at all about their child and their needs. I can also assist with any registering or ordering on my iPad and I will also introduce myself to the kindy kids so they can get to know me before their big photo day.

    This is when I will also take a good look around your centre and have a plan for your group photos and props that is available for me to use in the individual portraits.

  • Depending on your centre size, we photograph over multiple days (usually 1 day per classroom), so every child is scheduled for photos during our visit. I will be at your centre at 7:30am and will require some assistance in setting up for the group photo. I start with the traditional group photo, as I find this is when the children are most excited, focused and clean. It can be challenging at times and I will take lots of photos as children do tend to look around and some can get upset, but I will be as quick as I can and get the children to ‘find the monkey in my camera… but they can only see him when they bring out their really big smiles’ ha ha ha!

    After the group photos, we will clear out the setup and under your instructions, photograph the children individually, when they are ready. I love to take photos with what each child is interested in… Say if Johnny loves dinosaurs, then he could be holding one. Or if Penny loves lego, I can scatter them all around them and they can build something. But I find that the best photos are when they are just playing around outside, climbing a tree, playing in the sandpit, riding a bike or playing peek-a-boo with me. I feel this makes them more comfortable around me and brings a little something special into their photos before they get to ‘big school’ and have more structured school photos taken.

  • Once the prints are all beautifully packaged up, I will hand deliver these to your center for you to distribute to your families (approximately 6-8 weeks after the last photo shoot day). Timeframes may vary, pending the print lab and courier’s delivery commitments and timeframes.

    For any order that includes a digital file, families will receive a private online gallery, which is password protected and ready for families to view 24 hours after delivery of physical prints to your Kindy Centre. Families need to ensure their email that they provide when registering their child, is correct, as this is the email address that their digital files will be sent to. From there, they will be able to download their digital image/s, purchase more digital images, share with family and friends and on their socials.


Benefits to the Centre

I believe my photography style and service will impress your centre and families! The high quality photography and personalised service to every family will be an asset to your centre. I also provide 6 x complimentary staff headshot photos in digital and print format and a printed copy of each class photo. 

As a thank you for engaging in my services, I offer a 10% off Promotional photography session for your centre, if you book within one month after your kindy kids photography date. This is perfect for marketing, website, social media and gaining more exposure for new intakes. 

If you recommend our services to another Kindergarten centre and they book with us that year, you will receive a FREE 1 hour photography service for your centre at any organised event planned at your centre or marketing photography, with 30 high-res digital images included for your centre to use on your social media/website for marketing purposes. Simply ensure that the kindergarten mentions to me, that you have referred them and I will be in contact with you thereafter to lock you in. 


  • I am introducing a new product to my kindy families this year and that is……


    Who doesn't love a photo with their bestie?! This is an exciting new option for families and if they are interested in purchasing one of these, they need to indicate this on the online registration form and provide their consent to have their child photographed with another child at the centre on their designated photo day. Permissions MUST be received by BOTH families before any prints can be purchased. If permissions are received by both families, I will be in contact with each of the families with regards to ordering their friendship prints (print only, no digitals).

  • Yes. Families will first register their child then place their order through my website and pay securely in full, using PayPal. If families don’t have a PayPal account, they can continue as a guest and ‘Pay with a Card’.

  • No, all ordering is done through our secure online gallery and cart. We handle all that for you. However, I do encourage you to send email reminders to your families to ensure they register their child and get their orders in before the due date. Unfortunately, we no longer accept cash.

  • I photograph in the outdoor areas of your centre. This aids in creating the photos you see on the website with natural light. We choose areas that have some shade to produce this result. In wet weather we will either move to an area undercover or discuss the suitability of postponement. However, this is rare in our beautiful Queensland climate!

  • This is all dependant on the size of your centre. The sessions take from 2 to 4 days for centres with 40-80 enrolled children (longer for larger centres). Photo galleries are ready for families to view and download their digital images within 24 hours of them receiving their physical prints, which is approximately 6-8 weeks after the last photo session at the centre. This is all pending approvals of final class photos from the centre, the print lab and courier’s timeframes.

  • Yes. I have equipment insurance and public liability insurance. Proof of insurance coverage available on request.

  • Absolutely! Teejay has a Working With Children Blue card and this can be provided on arrival.

  • Yes, we offer a traditional class photo style. This is where all children are sitting together. This is scheduled at the start of the session, usually at 9:00am

  • I can reschedule them for another day whilst we are attending the centre if they are pre-registered. We ask that families liaise with you to arrange this, so they prepare their child for photos on the next available day. Unfortunately, if they are not there on the day of the group photo, they will not be in the photo… only a mention of their name as absent. All efforts will be made to ensure individual photos are taken on one of our booked session dates. If they cannot attend on one of our alternate scheduled dates, I cannot promise that I can come back to photograph children outside of these date, unless due to extenuating circumstances.

  • Yes, about a month prior to photo sessions I will send you an email with a flyer for you to send to your families to prepare them for their allocated photo day. About 2 weeks prior to your first photo day, I will attend your center to provide examples of my packages, price guides, helpful hints and put this all on display for your families to easily view. I will also provide flyers for each of your families to take home which has a QR Code for them to scan which will take them to all the information they need to know, including registering their child, placing their orders, my processes, late fees, etc.

    Please ensure there is plenty of room for this display in your foyer.

    If you can provide me with class lists, this will assist in my prep work and assist with the incoming pre-registrations. I recommend you provide me with any sensitive or confidential issues that I need to be aware of. Teejay finTon Photography upholds confidentiality in all respects.

  • Sure do! But only siblings who are currently enrolled and attend the centre. Families need to ensure they have pre-registered each child for this bonus opportunity. Unfortunately, I do not photograph siblings who do not attend the centre (school aged or younger siblings). If families would like a family session, they can send an enquiry directly to me and book a date and time to suit, via my website or through my socials.

  • Yes absolutely. Families are welcome to email anytime and I’m happy to promptly assist with any enquiries, registering their child and/or ordering/website assistance.

    If families are struggling with the online process, they can take comfort in knowing that I will be at your centre 2 weeks prior to your photo day for a ‘Meet + Greet’ when I set up the display, where you can formally introduce me to the kindergarteners (so they aren’t scared of this ‘strange woman’) and this is a great opportunity for families to reach out to me face to face for assistance with registering and/or placing their orders online with the iPad. If families are wanting to do this, please ensure they have their credit card with them on this day. I encourage the centre to pass on all questions to myself, so I can give personal attention to your families.